Ghost dynamic wallpaper: Big Sur

As explained in our old french article, since the appearance of the .heic wallpaper format, I have tried to implement a similar aspect on some of my sites, including

I have used the official macOS wallpaper as the background of the landing page/blog with a blur effect from the start. Who says a new version of macOS, says updating the site, and sharing the wallpaper generated with you.

I quickly recap the implementation of this for a ghost blog in English at the end of this article. For a similar web-based setup, you can inspect our open source Vue stack.

It's easy to generate one background per hour and select the appropriate background for each hour of the day. Good luck to those who want to try :).

Big Sur


Reminder of the old article:

By the way, it is now possible to create your wallpapers for Mojave. Technical specifications are available here, and a tool has been created here.

Edit ghost theme

The example is on  Casper  but it can be done on anyone. In the index.hbs file (content / themes / casper / partials / header-background.hbs):

<div class="outer site-header-background responsive-header-img"style="background-image: url({{date format='HH'}}.jpeg)>

We simply edit line 6 so that the called image is no longer the one defined in DB via the administration but our specific URL. We slip the time in the name.

Ghost dynamic wallpaper like Catalina
Depuis le début de ce blog, FanBoy de la pomme, notre publication cover /Background a toujours été le dernier wallpaper officiel de la pomme, transforméavec un effet Gaussian Blur, pour le simplifier, et créer une image unique. La réelle raison derrière cela est que j’aime la simplicité, je ne c…