How to contribute
Support and contributions from the open source community are essential for keeping these projects up to date and always improving! There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow to keep everything consistent.
š Creating an Issue
Before you create a new Issue:
- Check the Issues of the repo concerned on Github to ensure one doesn't already exist, node, swift, angular
- Clearly describe the issue, including the steps to reproduce the issue, try to use a template on of our template defined in the repository
- If it's a new feature, enhancement, or restructure, explain your reasoning on why you think it should be added, as well as a particular use case.
And whatever your participation, we thank you :) !
š Making Changes
- Fork the repository and create a topic branch from the master branch
- Check for unnecessary whitespace/changes with git diff --check before committing.
- Also check that your code is formatted properly, respect the linter of every repo :
- EsLint
- SwiftLint
- ...
- Keep git commit messages clear and appropriate, we use our own conventional-changelog, type(scope): subject :
- type : build, ci, chore, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, test
- scope : related to scope/module concerned (helpers, config, core, users, tasks ...)
- some examples :
- refactor(helpers): subject :hammer:
- fix(task): subject :bug:
- chore(tests): subject :fire:
- feat(tasks): subject :sparkles:
- docs(wiki): subject :books:
- ci(travis): subject :construction_worker:
- Make Sure you have added any tests necessary to test your code and run all the tests. Don't rely on the existing tests to see if you've broken code elsewhere; test the changes you made too!
- Update the documentation if necessary
- If possible, please "squash" your commits to as few commits as possible/reasonable such as one commit for implementation, one for tests, and one for documentation before finally squashing to one commit when getting the LGTM from a collaborator.
And whatever your participation, we thank you a lot for participation :)!
šš» Submitting the Pull Request
- Push your changes to your topic branch on your fork
- Submit a pull request from your topic branch to the master branch on the repository.
- Be sure to tag any issues on your pull request, for example, adding "Closes #xyz" to a commit message will auto close the issue once the pull request is merged in.
- Small changes are usually accepted and merged within a week
- Larger changes usually spark further discussion and possible changes prior to being merged in.
š Generating a new Release
- Don't forget to update the changelog! with standard-version
- Review, and commit changes
Sharing of knowledge - #LetsGetTogether