Ghost font awesome links on secondary menu

Ghost font awesome links on secondary menu

It is possible to customize the second menu within your Ghost blogs, I discovered it a while ago. Here is a small summary of customization with font awesome icons. For more details, you can read this article.

Add font awesome

  • go in settings section > code injection
  • add fontAwesome in site header
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Add custom navigation.hbs

  • go in design section and download the theme
  • add a "navigation.hbs" file in partial (it will overwrite normal navigation)
{{#if isSecondary}}
    <!-- secondary navigation -->
    <ul class="nav" role="menu">
        {{#foreach navigation}}
            <li class="nav-{{slug}}" role="menuitem">
                <a href="{{url}}" class="social-link"><i class="fab fa-{{slug}}" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
    <!-- primary navigation -->
    <ul class="nav" role="menu">
        {{#foreach navigation}}
            <li class="{{link_class for=(url) class=(concat "nav-" slug)}}" role="menuitem">
                <a href="{{url absolute="true"}}">{{label}}</a>

Add an item to the menu

  • go in the design section > secondary navigation
  • add an item with font awesome code in the label (the second part of a fa class fa-slack -> slack)