Article Home office: plan your time ! Hey, in a previous article, we have seen how to set up an excellent place for the home office ...
Article Home office: desk setup ! Hey, currently for over a 1,5 year I left my job and full time work at home to carry out some projects ...
Ghost Ghost dynamic wallpaper: Big Sur As explained in our old french article, since the appearance of the .heic wallpaper format ...
Snippet Swift infinite image rotation This snippet will be the last in our series on Swift animations for now. We will see how to set up ...
Swift Swift SnapKit & RxSwift animation Here is a code snippet of a sample animation with RxSwift and Snapkit. It is not that complicated ...
Snippet Swift UILabel, letter animation Here is a snippet to animate the display of a UILabel as if you were typing text on the keyboard ...
Rancher 2 Rancher: invalid admin ssl Not long ago, overnight I lost access to my Rancher admin interface, my SSL certificate has become ...
Rancher 2 Upgrade Rancher & Mongo I recently updated the rancher catalog WAOS to upgrade MongoDB 4.2 to 4.4. I was surprised ...
Github Github profil Hey, Github as released a feature that allows users to create a profile Readme. This readme allow ...
Swift Stack Swift - beta 1.0.0 We just released our version 1.0.0 of our Swift stack. We are near the end of the beta ..
Vue Stack Vue - alpha 1.0.0 We just released our version 1.0.0 of our Vue stack. We are getting closer to the beta ...
Release Stack Node - beta 1.0.0 We just released our version 1.1.0 of our Node stack. Almost at the end of the beta ...
WeAreOpenSource Our website is out! We just launched our website :)! It allows us to put forward the mindset of WeAreOpenSource ...
Hobbies Back to the marina - GoPro NightLapse I was lucky to have a good promotion on the GoPro 8 after its release, but I still ....
Rancher 2 Rancher 2: Mongo replicaset SSL Here is how to deploy our Mongo, we will add other services to enlarge the toolbox of startups ...
Keel Keel : automate kubernetes workloads update We will see how to automatically deliver a new version of a project via rancher. From commit to deployment ...
Rancher 2 Rancher 2 - best practices, backup, Prometheus... We will recap some practices steps to manage a Rancher quickly & cleanly. I will update these snippets ...
Rancher 2 Rancher 2: Let's Encrypt with Ingress-Nginx & Cert-manager Alright... It's one of the simplest things I lost the most time on during my rancher tests. I couldn't find any documentation/tutorial that worked properly for the first time. Here is mine by mixing all of this information! The goal is to set and automatically
Rancher 2 Rancher 2: Node & Vue on Kubernetes, Docker self-hosted CaaS This is a tutorial of our Node [] / Vue [] full-stack running on a Kubernetes cluster with Rancher []. As an extension of the previous article [] where we wanted to manage scalability with Docker Swarm
Debian Debian setup We will quickly recap all firsts security steps to install a Debian server quickly & cleanly. I will update these snippets over time, keep in mind it's just snippets :). Set user # Server root : create & add to sudo sudo adduser user sudo usermod -aG sudo user # Server root
CapRover Node, Vue, CapRover, Docker Swarm, self-hosted PaaS easy! CapRover [] is a utility that can be installed on one or more servers and can deploy your dockers using swarm []. It also offers functionality to install tools in one click, MongoDB, plex ... It manages the reverse proxy Nginx and https part
Ghost Ghost font awesome links on secondary menu It is possible to customize the second menu within your Ghost blogs, I discovered it a while ago. Here is a small summary of customization with font awesome [] icons. For more details, you can read this article [] . Add font awesome
Swift Stack Swift - beta 0.1.1 We just released our version 0.1.1 of our Swift stack. We are slowly but surely approaching the end of beta ...
Vue Stack Vue - alpha 0.1.0 We just released our version 0.1.0 of our Vue stack. It's just an initialization actually.
Node Stack Node - beta 0.4.0 We just released our version 0.4.0 of our Node stack. We are slowly but surely approaching the end of beta ...