Stack Node - beta 1.0.0
We just released our version 1.1.0 of our Node stack. Almost at the end of the beta ...
We just released our version 1.0.0 of our Node stack. Almost at the end of the beta. We skipped a few version numbers because we have switched to semantic release to no longer handle this ourselves. It is also integrated into all of our stacks (npm run release: auto). You can get visibility into what's targeted next here.
Here (or working with Vue stack here, email:, password: TestWaos@2019)
Main points
- CRUD subscription model to manage a list of emails wishing to receive news from your services
- User biography in model
- Docker Review
- Seed Review
- Scripts Review
Bug Fixes
- auth: message sign in 🐛 (96f8435)
- config: fix git ignore 🐛 (3d2ab35)
- config: fix mongoose settings 🐛 (41263da)
- config: update old config 🐛 (72232a6)
- dependencies: fix package lock 🐛 (a3a35b6)
- dependencies: fix package lock 🐛 (f31d857)
- dependencies: remove pm2 as default, responsible of 2 snyk 🐛 (e682eee)
- dependencies: tempo downgrade winston: 🐛 (41c35c6)
- deps: fix snyk version 🐛 (ab68290)
- global: fix lint 🐛 (79654a0)
- helpers: fix mails error catch (07ebd21)
- lib: hot fix app init 🐛 (7e6b36c)
- lib: mongoose services mistake ... exhausted O.O 🐛 (a5da7be)
- lib: show error if db initialization failed 🐛 (f962a57)
- package: tempos downgrade jest 🐛 (e5f7085)
- package: update bcrypt to version 4.0.0 (927d7c8)
- package: update chalk to version 3.0.0 (54b4ac7)
- package: update chalk to version 4.0.0 (91ae908)
- package: update cross-env to version 6.0.0 (cc27101)
- package: update cross-env to version 7.0.0 (b7118b2)
- package: update generate-password to version 1.5.0 (76cf130)
- package: update google-auth-library to version 6.0.0 (fede55b)
- package: update helmet to version 3.21.0 (7eab8e4)
- package: update idtoken-verifier to version 2.0.0 (5353083)
- package: update mongoose to version 5.7.0 (cc3929c)
- package: update mongoose to version 5.8.0 (0b56522)
- package: update mongoose to version 5.9.0 (48e28aa)
- package: update nodemailer to version 6.4.0 (beb9647)
- package: update nodemon to version 2.0.0 (1bd18aa)
- package: update pm2 to version 4.0.0 (428c559)
- scripts: add missing scripts 🐛 (f175944)
- scripts: fix file name 🐛 (4917832)
- scripts: fix scripts path 🐛 (eef9078)
- tests: try fix coveralls 🐛 (5900177)
- travis: fix tests 🐛 (2db3c58)
- travis: macosx travis services mongodb no longer available 🐛 (fcabc8b)
- user: fix optionnal 🐛 (f76b66f)
- users: add uploads to data privacy mail 🐛 (6e5d63b)
- users: fix mail contact in templates 🐛 (e49839a)
- users: fix optionnal on /me 🐛 (7675944)
- users: review schema & /me return 🐛 (206902f)
- users: security review, filter user data return by default 🐛 (af800d1)
- .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (662e3ad)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (709fac7)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (3319966)
- users: fix some comments 🐛 (80e4b7d)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (dd135aa)
- package.json, package-lock.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (935075d)
- config: set no ssl by default (default = no certs) 🐛 (4c798b0)
- config,lib: fix assets allJs files 🐛 (452ee92)
- debug: fixing gulp node debug task (#1689) (531e3a1)
- dependencies: package.lock update :bug: (4e3442d)
- environment: setting
environment for the sequlize orm to bemeantest
instead of `me (bf3361e) - global: default html send fixed :bug: (3a63aae)
- global: express warning :bug: (250b0af)
- global: fix knowledges style :shirt: (a72386d)
- global: purge useless file :bug: (d79ab55)
- gulp: fixing gulp-ava task usage which didnt return the stream which is why it didnt emit the ' (3a36de1)
- helpers: fix error format :bug: (0e38c59)
- jwt: env variable name change for jwt secret (ad651b9)
- logger: fix re-instantiation of winston loggers on method calls (b6056fb)
- mongoose: fixing mongoose deprecation notice for promises library integration (#1690) (008ec75)
- package: update google-auth-library to version 4.0.0 (87e9744)
- package: update google-auth-library to version 5.0.0 (66fb57b)
- package: update helmet to version 3.16.0 (3174d74)
- package: update helmet to version 3.17.0 (cc8c011)
- package: update helmet to version 3.18.0 (1b06692)
- package: update helmet to version 3.19.0 (15afcdd)
- package: update helmet to version 3.20.0 (b61747e)
- package: update joi-zxcvbn to version 5.0.0 (b179907)
- package: update mock-fs to version 4.8.0 (ed1c772)
- package: update mongoose to version 5.5.0 (c3dceee)
- package: update mongoose to version 5.6.0 (f85ffc3)
- package: update nodemailer to version 6.0.0 (dd0558f)
- package: update nodemailer to version 6.1.0 (4e58232)
- package: update nodemailer to version 6.3.0 (4e92a66)
- package: update snyk to version 2.0.0 (610b0d6)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (b2016cf)
- package: update nodemailer to version 6.2.1 (58b917a)
- package: update sequelize to version 5.1.0 (8aa77db)
- package: update supertest to version 4.0.0 (5de4f3f)
- seed: gulp task
would hang on the gulp node process and not exit (075e66c) - sequelize: fixing error handling in in sequelize lib instantiation (02608a2)
- server: fixing un-handled promise rejections when initaitlizing the app (f73ec2b)
- tasks: fixing tasks controller to use
as the storage of logged-in user details (7430140) - tasks: quick fix on model to authorize empty strings :bug: (fd0ddb8)
- tasks: quick fix TODO 🐛 (8cf75ab)
- tests: upgrade supertest to fix tests :bug: (5ba0624)
- travis: fix path and names 🐛 (1ea863b)
- .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (2ffe38a)
- configure Snyk protect to enable patches (9ca9600)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (a1adbe8)
- tests: refactoring tests to dismiss the supertest wrapper (dc17715)
- users: hide sensitive data from errors 🐛 (2e07a90)
- wiki: links :books: (6101969)
- yarn: remove .lock, not updated by greenkeeper :bug: (6cc569b)
- auth: add type & message for notification in sign in sign up ✨ (4c7147d)
- auth: refactoring local user authentication strategy (0689d0c)
- ava: initial project setup for ava test runner (0f4da27)
- commitizen): feat(commitizen: introducing project support for commitizen (f7acd13)
- config: add array management for systems var ✨ (5e5ab52)
- config: add config check and alert user if not ✨ (0aeddbc)
- config: add default cors ✨ (77c3403)
- config: display cors at launch ✨ (8758edc)
- config: upgrade ssl example ✨ (cc0e4b5)
- core: add changelog releases routes ✨ (57d9faf)
- dependencies: add inquirer for prompt message with gulp :sparkles: (359bfa4)
- dependencies: update all ✨ (058e214)
- dependencies: upgrade all and switch tonew Joi ✨ (ef5a50f)
- docker: init docker & docker compose ✨ (d28e047)
- docker: review user to do nothing in root ✨ (6ec0a82)
- error: generic error handler for API requests (f8274cb), closes #11
- error: generic error handler for API requests (cd56b58)
- gloabl: init knowlegdges file like swift repo :tada: (96d2afa)
- global: add example api link in default html :sparkles: (cc709f3)
- global: add fixme plugin for codeclimate :tada: (d9432a3)
- global: add keywords :sparkles: (9d1935d)
- global: add mongo dump/restore (easy for dev team) ✨ (2cffc39)
- global: add our own waos-CC to define and check commits ✨ (a3ea1e1)
- global: add vue demo ✨ (84ed54a)
- global: comitizen/comitlint & standard version initialization (714c516)
- global: init wiki :books: (2181d33)
- global: upgrade dependencies :arrow_up: (b9c616d)
- helpers: add return to response - allow next res operations ✨ (06ba553)
- helpers: add some comments :bulb: (8f6f728)
- helpers: custom node error to deserve default api errors :tada: (0eab61d)
- issues: Update issue templates (3e158e7)
- jwt: adding initial support for jwt authentication (7b63c78)
- jwt: tidying up strategy definition (3e2644f)
- lib: add graceful shutdown, prevention for docker ✨ (eaa6a8e)
- lib: expose Joi function from middleware, for dynamic schema ✨ (e6fac31)
- middlewares: add isOwner policy example ✨ (09916ad)
- pacakge.json: update engines and npm run scripts (e7a8b9e)
- readme: add api informations :books: (c8cfc6d)
- release: semantic release ✨ (54a96ae)
- scripts: add uploads in restore & switch to fs promise (big restore) ✨ (71eb5d5)
- seed: add tasks in seed :sparkles: (1b353b6)
- seed: adding seed support for sequelize and compiled both into a gulp task, also took out the (ae3eaf3)
- seed: refactoring seeding functionality to be exported by the mongoose helper library and used as a gulp task, rather than the server bootstrap method (27b4941)
- subscriptions: init mail subscriptions example ✨ (34fdd9c)
- tasks: add clean populate example ✨ (dfaf37b)
- tasks: init stats example ✨ (e809d9a)
- tasks: new tasks module to use sequelizejs (#1693) (3f9a872)
- tasks,users: add createAt updateAt :sparkles: (d63699e)
- uploads: add contentLength for direct download progress ✨ (dea967a)
- uploads: add purge script example ✨ (363cd28)
- uploads: add sharp operation example for images ✨ (ad6461a)
- uploads, config: add sharp default configuration ✨ (4f8faf1)
- user: add bio ✨ (fb31df8)
- user: add bio ✨ (aab5668)
- user: add test on register with same email :white_check_mark: (a5bbec2)
- user: add test on weak password :white_check_mark: (fbd1e7f)
- users: add remove avatar ✨ (f132fd9)
- users: add stats example ✨ (e9108b2)
- users: add user delete option ✨ (a0b75df)
- users: end policy ✨ (4811602)
- users: rework tokens :sparkles: (88a8191)
- users, tasks: init data privacy management example ✨ (58edcab)
- users, uploads, lib: init uploadx example with gridfs & stream ✨ (e991ecb)